Authorisation Matrix - Group User

This form is intended to allow the Customer to establish the rules for the authorisation of transfers and to carry out other transactions herein set
out, and which may be executed through the Service.
Under this Authorisation Matrix, the Customer assigns the Authority required to carry out Transactions, by defining the electronic signatures
required to do so. To this end, the Customer may, for the various types de transactions, establish combinations of electronic signatures types (to
be identified with letters A to J), with a maximum of 6 possible combinations, each combination translating into a single or more than one
signature (example of combinations: Comb. I A; Comb. II B; Comb. III B+C+C). Transactions shall Only be deemed to be completed and fully
effective if the signatures indicated by the Customer in this Matrix are all gathered.
Instructions given for the execution of any Transaction, the conclusion of loan agreements, the purchase or subscription for financial products
and/or services by Authorised Users, through the Service, are deemed to be electronically signed by the representatives/agents of the Customer,
under the terms and for the purposes of paragraph 4 of Article 3 of Decree-Law 290-D / 99, of 2 August. Accordingly, such instructions and/or
agreements shall have the same legal and probative value as instructions and/or agreements containing a handwritten signature, on paper, of the
Customer's representatives/agents, and shall thus have full legal effect.
 * *
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From 0 to

From 0 to

From 0 to

From 0 to

From 0 to

Inter-Account Transfers

Cheque Book Order

Stop Cheques

Credit Card Transactions

Bill Payments

Payments to the State

Other Payments

Financial Investments

Market Orders*


Bank Guarantees

Debit Authorities

Documentary Credits

Operating Current Accounts

Documentary Remittances

Negotiable Instruments

BPI Online Deposit


Confirming Advance

Factoring – Advance Request

Application for Issuing Commercial Paper/Issuer

Financial Instruments

Contracting Online Credit (no limits set)*

Conclusion of service agreements

Other Documentary Credit transactions*

Use of Credit

Cash Transactions*

Request for Documentation

Other transfer services*

Application to Statutes or Awards

Information on Balances and Operations

Information on Fund Availability